According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai — a reason for living. In this episode, Joe & I embark on a journey to find ours.
Bookworm #161: The Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, by John Maxwell
Leadership is complex, but the need for it has never been greater. In this episode, Joe & I embark on a journey to reach our full potential by helping others reach theirs.
Bookworm #160: Laws of Power, by Robert Greene
In this episode, Joe & I venture into the amoral topic of power and attempt to better understand the “rules of the game.”
Bookworm #159: Mind Management, Not Time Management, by David Kadavy
In this episode, Joe & I attempt to tune our work habits to maximize our creative energy.
Bookworm #158: Discipline is Destiny, by Ryan Holiday
In this episode, Joe & I embark on our own journeys toward self-mastery.
Bookworm #157: The Laws of Creativity by Joey Cofone
In this episode, Joe & I attempt to unlock our creative potential.
Bookworm #156: Ritual, by Dimitris Xygalatas
In this episode, Joe & I consider the role of rituals in human life.
Bookworm #155: Where Good Ideas Come From, by Stephen Johnson
In this episode, Joe & I consider the question: where do good ideas come from?
Bookworm #154: The Great Mental Models Volume 2, by Rhiannon Beaubien and Shane Parrish
This episode of Bookworm revisits the topic of mental models by examining cognitive tools from the domains of chemistry, biology, and physics. Join Joe & I as we continue to develop our mental toolboxes.
Bookworm #153: I Didn’t Do the Thing Today, by Madeline Dore
If you’ve ever been frustrated with the endless pursuit of productivity perfection, this episode of Bookworm is for you. Join Joe & I as we embrace the joyful messiness and unpredictability of life.