I know, I know – you’ve seen this before. Except not really. The development of Faith-Based Productivity has taken some unexpected turns the last couple of months. Today I want to share with you the short story of what exactly it is and how we got here.
It’s true that if you’ve been following me online or listening to my podcasts you’ve heard me talk about Faith-Based Productivity a lot the last several months. But Faith-Based Productivity today is quite a bit different than the product that has been able for pre-order ever since I had an unexpected job change last October. I’ve been working hard to get it ready for public release, and it is with parent-like pride that I’m thrilled to introduce you to it today.
How We Got Here
Last October, I was faced with a crisis. I won’t get into the details, but I will share how I chose to respond because I feel that is the important part anyway. As a father of 5, suddenly having to look for work was not a comfortable situation.
And it caused me to wonder.
I wondered if I’d be able to find another remote job that offered the flexibility I had grown so fond of. I wondered if the skills I had developed would even translate to another job. I wondered if I could make a go of it alone and launch the product that I had envisioned in my head for years.
Honestly, it was a pretty dark time for me. I had to battle the voices in my head every single day. Voices that told me that it wasn’t going to work, that I didn’t have what it took, that I was doing it all wrong. I felt like quitting several times. I questioned myself, my ideas, my abilities.
But I knew I couldn’t quit. I had to see this thing through. I couldn’t bear the thought of getting to the end of my life and wondering, “What if I had launched Faith-Based Productivity? How might things have turned out differently?”
I didn’t want to wonder anymore. I had to know.
So I kept going. Pretty much every single step of the process was more difficult than I had imagined. And more than once, someone gave me the encouragement I needed when I wanted to quit.
Which leads me to the first major change with Faith-Based Productivity.
The Faith-Based Community
One thing I’ve learned is there’s no shame in needing a little encouragement. The right person who says the right thing at the right time can make all the difference. And when it comes to living the life you were created for, we’re all on this journey together.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. – African Proverb
The truth is, we all need help sometimes. We need people who can help us navigate life’s difficult situations. We need people who believe in us, who want to see us succeed.
We need a community.
That’s why (with a lot of help from my buddy Joe Buhlig) I created a community for Faith-Based Productivity. It’s a safe place for people to discuss not only productivity, but the spiritual motivations behind it. If you follow me at all you already know that my Christian faith is the primary driver of my approach to productivity. And I hear from people all the time who want a place where they can discuss their own faith-based reasons for wanting to be productive. My goal for the Faith-Based community is to be that place where people can talk about their own spiritual “why” behind all the productivity things.

There are two levels to the community: Basic, and Premium. The Basic level is open to anyone, and is free to join. The Premium level offers a few additional things:
- Access to a special members-only section of the club, giving you additional “locked” categories that are unavailable to Basic members
- Ability to join scheduled staff “office hours” where you can chat live and get answers to your productivity questions
- Discounted coaching if you need a little additional help 1-on-1
The Premium membership is $7/month if you want to buy it separately, but people who buy Faith-Based Productivity Premium will automatically be upgraded to the Premium membership when they join the community. So if you purchase Faith-Based Productivity Premium, you get the Premium community forever – for free.
This took a lot of effort, but already I’m thrilled to see the quality of the people that are a part of this community.
One-on-One Coaching
One of the surprising things I’ve found from doing coaching is that I really enjoy it! I figured I’d be ok at it since I had some experience, but it has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. When I reflect on why that is, I believe it’s because I really want to make a difference. My mission statement (I call it a lifetheme in the course) is to:
Help people answer the question, “why am I here?” by encouraging, inspiring, and teaching them to connect to their calling, discover their destiny, and live the life they were created for.
What I’ve found is that coaching allows me to do that with more effectiveness than I could have imagined. I don’t always profess to have all the answers, but more often than not I’ve been able to help people ask the right questions. And being able to invest in someone’s success on an individual level has been incredibly enriching and rewarding.
Now, you certainly don’t need to buy the course in order to work with a coach. But people who buy Faith-Based Productivity Premium get a free coaching call (normally $125) and a discounted rate on future coaching calls. And it’s been really cool to see people who pre-orered the course apply things from the course and achieve clarity in their own personal vision.
Downloadable Planning Templates
Another thing that I’ve added to the course for Faith-Based Productivity Premium members is the downloadable PDF planning templates I use to plan my life personally. I developed these awhile ago and have been using them myself for several months, but I’ve had several coaching clients ask about them so I started sharing them on an individual basis.
The natural follow up question is, “how do I use this?” So in addition to making the PDF versions downloadable and customizable, I also recorded 5 explainer videos. These videos are from a top-down perspective and walk you through how to fill out each sheet. These extra downloadable resources + videos are a part of Faith-Based Productivity Premium. I’ve seen stuff like this be valued at hundreds of dollars, but there really isn’t a good way to accurately estimate what these are worth since I don’t see them separately – so I conservatively valued them at $50. But again, these are included with Faith-Based Productivity Premium.
And if you want to see what they look like, I have one (non-customizable) PDF that you can download here.
Bonus Courses
In addition to finishing up Faith-Based Productivity, I’ve also managed to squeeze out a few additional paid courses (and one free one):
Both of these were in response to someone asking me about my process, and I hadn’t necessarily planned on making them initially. But once I produced them, I was very happy with how they turned out – and they are also included with Faith-Based Productivity Premium.
So… How Much Is It?
There are 2 versions of Faith-Based Productivity: Regular, and Premium.
The regular course is $197 and includes:
- 22 course videos
- PDF Course workbook
- Downloadable audio for all course lessons
The Premium version is normally $347 ($297 until next Tuesday) and includes a couple of extras:
- Lifetime access to the premium community ($140 value)
- One free coaching call ($125 value)
- Downloadable planning resources ($50)
- Personal Retreat course ($47 value)
- Journaling course ($17 value)
When you purchase Faith-Based Productivity Premium during launch week, you also get entered into a drawing to win a prize. At the end of the launch window, I’ll be giving away:
- 5 copies of Overlap, a phenomenal book by Sean McCabe
- 5 prints (“You will never change the world by trying to be like it”)
If you purchase Faith-Based Productivity Premium, you’ll automatically be entered. Winners will be notified via email next Thursday (June 6th).
Once again, here’s the link to buy.