Purposeful productivity is not a destination, it’s a journey. You’ll never fully arrive at it, but it is indeed a worthwhile pursuit. That is why I created Faith-Based Productivity to help people who are on their own purposeful productivity journey connect to their calling, discover their destiny, and live the life they were created for.
I’ve seen the excitement and passion that comes when someone truly attaches to their God-given mission, but you need to learn how to see it first. God’s plan for your life is bigger and better than anything you can imagine – you just need to see it and connect to it. Once you do, your life will never be the same.
Faith-Based Productivity is the culmination of my years of experience teaching productivity filtered through the lens of my Bible College degree. I’ve spent quite a bit of time connecting tactical productivity advice to the Biblical principles the advice is based on, and result is a video course that walks you through 3 separate modules:
- Purpose, which is all about understanding your mission,
- Vision, where I help you bring clarity to the dream God has given you, and
- Hustle, where I teach tactics you can use to push past procrastination and help you stick with things – when you don’t feel like it.
The course itself won’t straight-out tell you what your unique purpose and abilities are. No course can do that. But Faith-Based Productivity will help point you in the right direction and help you ask the right questions so that you can find the answers you’re looking for and discover your purpose for yourself. And when you do connect to your calling, life looks quite a bit different. Imagine:
- Being able to see with clarity the vision God has for your life
- Having confidence from knowing you are in the will of God for your life
- Making the most of the time and talents you’ve been given after learning how to be a good steward of what God has entrusted to you
- Finding your “why” and using it to accomplish more than you ever thought possible
- Eliminating the things that are holding you back from living your best life
For a God-anointed man or woman with a God-given purpose, anything is possible. I wholeheartedly believe that you were made for amazing things. You have a purpose that only you can fulfill. And I’d be honored to assist you on your journey.